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Amendment in acts

Sr. No. Date of Issue Subject Download (English Version) Download (Hindi Version)
1 10-12-2021 Sale Notice M/s. Indian Technomac Company Limited (In Liquidation)
2 28-05-2019 Amendment in the Himachal Sweets (Manufactures) Rules 1988 (hereinafter called the said rules)
3 01-12-2018 Amendments in the Himachal Pradesh Liquor Import Export Transport and Possession Order 1965 (hereinafter called the said rules) as amended from time to time
4 01-12-2018 Amendments in the Himachal Pradesh Liquor Import Export Transport and Possession Order 1965 (hereinafter called the said rules) as amended from time to time
5 20-01-2018 Amendments in Rule 1 after L-1C & before entry L-E (Export) entry L-1 D and after entry L-13S & before entry L-13D shall be deleted with immediate effect
6 22-11-2017 Amendments in the Rule No.1 after entry L-1D mentioned at Sr. No.5 of the Schedule A appended to the said Rules, new entry 5(B) namely "L-1D license for storage od Sweet Wine/Cider for supply to L-1S of HPBL only shall be added and Sr. No.5 B shall
7 05-08-2017 Amendments the sub-Rule 26A in Rule 38, the word Specially Denatured Spirit shall be added in column No. 2 of L-19A license after Rectified Spirit
8 05-08-2017 Amendments the sub-Rule 26A in Rule 38, the word Specially Denatured Spirit shall be added in column No. 2 of L-19A license after Rectified Spirit
9 24-03-2017 Amendment in the HP Liquor License Rules 1986
10 28-06-2016 Himachal Pradesh VAT Act 2005 updated upto 28 May 2016