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Circular No Date of Issue Subject Download (English Version) Download (Hindi Version)
Endst No.2-21-2013-EXN-H-Estt-3508-11 18-02-2025 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Umesh Kumar Clerk
No.2-13-2021-EXN-H-Estt-3488-3506 18-02-2025 Revised letter regarding seniority list Class-IV Employee of the department
No.2-13-2021-EXN-H-Estt-3274-93 18-02-2025 Regarding seniority list of Class-IV
Endst No.27-36-2019-20-EXN-H-TAU-2606-2618 07-02-2025 Office order -ACSTE TPS will hold the charge of the post of ACSTE TAU in Zones in respect of cases assigned to them for the Year 2021-22
Endst No. 2-16-EXN-H-Estt-Part-1850-1871 28-01-2025 Office order regarding promotion of Smt. Anjana Kumari Sr. Scale Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant Class-II
C017-05-4-2022-EIU-1613-20 22-01-2025 Order regarding notifying Facilitation Centre for biometric based Aadhaar Authentication
No. Endst No.2-21-EXN-H-Estt-974-78 15-01-2025 Office order regarding transfer of Clerks
No.2-24-2024-EXN-H-EStt-965-969 15-01-2025 Office order of Sh. Tilak Raj STEO to perform his duties and the additional charge of Renuka and Sarahan circle
No.2-13-81-EXN-H-Estt-485-503 08-01-2025 Office order regarding exercising option for the post of Sr. Asstt. ASTEO
Endst No.2-36-97-EXN-H-Estt-277-297 06-01-2025 Tentative seniority list of Steno-Typist
Endst No.2-4-2024-EXN-H-Estt-143-47 03-01-2025 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Vijay Kumar STEO from Tax Audit Unit of South Zone Parwanoo GST Wing to GST circle Parwanoo-II
Endst No.2-23-EXN-H-Estt-32389-392 31-12-2024 Office order regarding cancellation of transfer order of Sh. Deep Chand STEO O
Endst No.2-4-2024-EXN-H-Estt-143-47 31-12-2024 Office order regarding transfer of ETIs
Endst No.2-10-EXN-H-Estt-32302-32324 30-12-2024 Office order regarding promotion of Jr. Asstt to the post of Sr. Assistant of Sh. Ajay Kumar
Endst No.2-25-2024-EXN-H-Estt-31828-32 18-12-2024 Office order regarding deputation of Smt. Rashmi Devi ASTEO in Una circle Distt HP
Endst No. 2-28-EXN-H-Estt-31773-79 18-12-2024 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Adarsh Sharma ASTEO
Endst No. 2-44-2024-EXN-Estt-31356-31378 12-12-2024 Regarding submission of joining reports of the STEOs and ASTEOs during transfers
No.2-36-2013-EXN-H-Estt-Loose-30858-30877 06-12-2024 Starred VSQ No. 2039 regarding Medical Reimbursement Financial Benefits
Endst No.2-26-EXN-H-Estt-30814-37 06-12-2024 Office order regarding transfer of ASTEOs
Endst No.2-28-2024-EXN-H-Estt-30792-813 06-12-2024 Office order regarding transfers of ASTEOs