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Circular No Date of Issue Subject Download (English Version) Download (Hindi Version)
Endst No. 2-58-20239-EXN-H-Estt-6998-7014 26-03-2025 Office order of JAO IT
No.2-58-20239-EXN-H-Estt-6998-7014 26-03-2025 Office order of JOA IT
2-96-83-EXN-H-Estt-5913-15 17-03-2025 Call Letter for Selection of person with Distablities for filling up 04 post of Excise and Taxation Inspector
Endst No.2-9-2024-EXN-H-Estt-5870-75 17-03-2025 Office order of Sh. Rajat Guleria ASTEO
Endst No.2-13-2019-EXN-H-Estt-5904-06 17-03-2025 Office order of Sh. Sawan Kumar Clerk
Endst No.2-10-2019-EXN-H-Estt-5273-297 11-03-2025 Office order of JOA- IT on contract basis - Subject to the final outcome of the investigation -court cases related to current post code 817
Endst No.12-4-78-EX-Tax-Part-278-22-a-5110-19 11-03-2025 Office order of Joint Commissioner of State Taxes and Excise EIU is hereby authorised to exercise powers conferred under first provision to Rule 23 of the HPGST Rules 2017
Endst No.-2-10-2019-EXN-H-Estt-4721-27 05-03-2025 Office order
Endst No.2-21-2013-EXN-H-Estt-3508-11 18-02-2025 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Umesh Kumar Clerk
No.2-13-2021-EXN-H-Estt-3488-3506 18-02-2025 Revised letter regarding seniority list Class-IV Employee of the department
No.2-13-2021-EXN-H-Estt-3274-93 18-02-2025 Regarding seniority list of Class-IV
Endst No.27-36-2019-20-EXN-H-TAU-2606-2618 07-02-2025 Office order -ACSTE TPS will hold the charge of the post of ACSTE TAU in Zones in respect of cases assigned to them for the Year 2021-22
Endst No. 2-16-EXN-H-Estt-Part-1850-1871 28-01-2025 Office order regarding promotion of Smt. Anjana Kumari Sr. Scale Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant Class-II
C017-05-4-2022-EIU-1613-20 22-01-2025 Order regarding notifying Facilitation Centre for biometric based Aadhaar Authentication
No. Endst No.2-21-EXN-H-Estt-974-78 15-01-2025 Office order regarding transfer of Clerks
No.2-24-2024-EXN-H-EStt-965-969 15-01-2025 Office order of Sh. Tilak Raj STEO to perform his duties and the additional charge of Renuka and Sarahan circle
No.2-13-81-EXN-H-Estt-485-503 08-01-2025 Office order regarding exercising option for the post of Sr. Asstt. ASTEO
Endst No.2-36-97-EXN-H-Estt-277-297 06-01-2025 Tentative seniority list of Steno-Typist
Endst No.2-4-2024-EXN-H-Estt-143-47 03-01-2025 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Vijay Kumar STEO from Tax Audit Unit of South Zone Parwanoo GST Wing to GST circle Parwanoo-II
Endst No.2-23-EXN-H-Estt-32389-392 31-12-2024 Office order regarding cancellation of transfer order of Sh. Deep Chand STEO O