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Circular No Date of Issue Subject Download (English Version) Download (Hindi Version)
N/A 30-12-2016 Office Order regarding transfer of Sh. Satish Kumar Clerk from the O/o AETC,Kangra to the O/o ETO Jawali Circle
N/A 30-12-2016 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Devi Dass Clerk from the O/o AETC,Kullu to the O/o Dy. ETC(CZ), Mandi HP
N/A 20-12-2016 Regarding training programme of 35 newly recruited ETIs
N/A 15-12-2016 Office Order regarding appointment of JSS of this department
N/A 12-12-2016 Office Order regarding temporarily deputation of Driver, Sh. Bhutto from the O/o ETC to the O/o AETC Bilaspur
N/A 08-12-2016 Office Order regarding transfer of Sh. Brij Lal, Jr. Asstt. from the O/o ETO, Banikhet to AETC,Nurpur
N/A 07-12-2016 Office Order regarding pay fixation of Smt. Parveen Kumari, Supdt. Grade-II
N/A 03-12-2016 Office order regarding transfer order of Sh. Vinod Kumar, Clerk
N/A 03-12-2016 Cancellation of Transfer Orders of Jr. Assistants
N/A 29-11-2016 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Ranjeet Singh Clerk from the O/o AETC Bilaspur to the O/o ETO, MPB, Swarghat Distt. Bilaspur HP
N/A 24-11-2016 Office order regarding transfer of clerk /Jr. Asstt.
N/A 18-11-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 04-11-2016 Performance Indicators of AETCs
N/A 04-11-2016 Performance Indicators of Zonal Incharges
N/A 02-11-2016 Performance Indicators in respect of the department field officers and Categorization of the ETO Circles etc.
N/A 28-10-2016 Office Order regarding transfer of Clerk and Jr. Asstt.
N/A 27-10-2016 Office Order regarding transfer of Sh. Ankur Sharma from the O/o AETC Nurpur to the O/o AETC Chamba
N/A 27-10-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 27-10-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 27-10-2016 Regarding RTGS