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Circular No Date of Issue Subject Download (English Version) Download (Hindi Version)
N/A 26-10-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 25-10-2016 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Pankaj Sr. Asstt. from the O/o AETC Kangra to the O/o DETC(NZ) Palampur
N/A 24-10-2016 RTGS
N/A 24-10-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 24-10-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 24-10-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 22-10-2016 Office Order regarding transfers of the AETOs and ETIs
N/A 20-10-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 18-10-2016 Office order regarding temporarily deputation of clerk Sh.Ajay Kumar from the O/o ETO Dehra to O/o AETC RD Nurpur
N/A 17-10-2016 Office order regarding seniority list of drivers
N/A 10-10-2016 Regarding registration of brands IMFS for the year 2016-17
N/A 06-10-2016 Office Order regarding transfer of Smt. Sunita Rani Sr. Asstt. from the O/o ETC,Shimla to the O/o AETC Hamirpur
N/A 06-10-2016 Office order reagrding transfer of Sh. Manjeet Singh Sr. Asstt.
N/A 30-09-2016 office order regarding transfer of clerks
N/A 22-09-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 22-09-2016 Regarding RTGS
N/A 17-09-2016 Regarding payment of sale of stock of liquor from M/s Aggarwal wines L-1
N/A 17-09-2016 Regarding payment of surrendered stock of liquor from M/s Aggarwal Wines L-1
N/A 17-09-2016 Regarding surrendered stock of liquor through HPBL from M/s Copia Beverages L-1
N/A 17-09-2016 Regarding refund of cost money of the stock of IMFL supplied to retailer through HPBL to M/s Himalayan Wine Traders L-1