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Circular No Date of Issue Subject Download (English Version) Download (Hindi Version)
N/A 30-11-2015 Office Order regarding transfer of Sr.Asstts/Typist of this department
N/A 26-11-2015 Office order regarding grant of two additional increments after completion of 20 years as Driver
N/A 23-11-2015 Regarding registration of brands for the year 2015-16
N/A 01-10-2015 Office Order regarding transfer of Sh. Gopi Chand from ETC, Shimla to O/o AETC, Sirmour
N/A 24-09-2015 Seniority List of Junior Scale Stenographer
N/A 24-09-2015 Promotion Orders of Jr. Assistants/ JSS as ETIs
N/A 24-09-2015 Seniority List of Stenographers
N/A 18-09-2015 Regarding registration of brands for the year 2015-16
N/A 11-09-2015 Transfer order of Jr.Assisant & Clerk
N/A 27-08-2015 Promotion of Senior Assistant to Superintendent Grade-II
N/A 25-08-2015 Promotion of Senior Assistants to Superintendent Grade-II
N/A 20-08-2015 Order regarding prices of IMFS and FS
N/A 18-08-2015 Office Order regarding transfer of Jr. Asstts.
N/A 01-08-2015 Office order regarding transfer of Sh. Amar Singh, Clerk form O/o AETC, Solan to O/o AETC, BBN is cancelled and Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Clerk O/o AETC, Solan is transferred to O/o AETC BBN Baddi, Distt. Solan
N/A 30-07-2015 Temporary Orders of ETIs for deputing at the Temporary Apple Barrier
N/A 30-07-2015 Seniority list of Supdtt.-II
N/A 25-07-2015 Office order regarding Seniority list of PAs
N/A 13-07-2015 Seniority List of Sr. Asstt.
N/A 13-07-2015 Prices of IMFS and FS
N/A 13-07-2015 Transfer orders of ETI